
Brand story

A tale of ayuvedic wellness & ecological responsibility Derived from Sanskrit, ‘Niraamya’ means ‘a state of blissful wellness’ Founded by Mr Mathew Joseph, Niraamaya sheds light on exquisite, organic handcrafted fabrics, Kerala’s rich artisanal heritage and the forgotten medicinal practices of yesteryear.
The art of ayurvastra begins at the grass root level with ingredients and raw materials procured from organic farms and certified suppliers. The transformative art of wellness is skillfully woven into fabrics as ancient wisdom meets modern luxury.
Our products are then fashioned at our shaala using intricate craftsmanship honed by time and tradition that offer a holistic healing experience befitting our discerning customers.

Our Founder

It was while reading an article about the ancient practice of infusing clothes with herbal concoctions that the interest for ayurvastra was instilled in Mr Mathew Joseph. A chemist by profession, he found the science behind the ancient wisdom of ayurvastra, fascinating.

Using Ayurveda to lend both colour and medicinal properties enthralled Mr Mathew and in due course of time he perfected a scientific process to create ayurvastra thereby laying the foundation for Niraamaya.

As a staunch believer in a greener planet and safe production practices; Mr Mathew employs local artisans, sources ingredients of native origin and ensures the sustenance of wondrous ecosystem where business goes hand in hand with trust and clarity